Make a video like a pro by yourself! | Pre-production(1/4)

from koo design studio newsletter – vol. 37(J) 04/06/2021


Hello from koo design studio, I hope you are doing well. The COVID-19 vaccine is available now in US and others, hoping you’ve got it or will get it soon and it’ll work and end it. But it’s not over yet, please keep the safe practices.

Some of you might think to make your product/service promotion video by yourself. It’s good idea and fun so let’s do it. 
In this newsletter shares some professional tips for you. I hope that will help you to understand the production process and you succeed in your video production.

This is a series of 4 process tips:

  1. Planning (pre-production)[THIS MONTH]
  2. Shooting (production) 
  3. Editing (post-production)
  4. Analysis (publish to YouTube and analyze the viewer)

Planning (Pre-production)

I think difference between a professional production and do-it-yourself prodcution is simply the scale, It means more viewer you are expected, the budget goes higher up and more people involved. But the process itself is pretty much the same.

And if you run a small business, I suggest try it all by yourself (or a small team of under 5 people).
Nowadays, many things around you are available for free or for a just little fee to create high quality videos like a pro. – For example :

  • a video camara, you have a smart phone, if you can get 2 of them, that’s perfect!
  • an old white sleeping bed sheet, it’s good for controlling the sun light for lighting when shooting at outside
  • a free video editing software such as iMovie for Mac user(Free!), or download one. Those are pretty easy to use even it’s free

I’ll list up some of good-to-have tools and how to use them later.

“Planning” is the MOST important part of project success.

As same as other things, a good plan brings you a good result. Start with making a blueprint of the project.

1. Scripting (blueprint)

First, you need a script.

You know what you’re selling and have explained it to people millions of times, but you still need a script to make a video.

Akira Kurosawa said “If you can’t write a script, you can’t be a movie director. No matter how busy you are, you can write at least one page a day, and about 300 pages a year.”
That is true, but I know how HARD it is!! So how do you develop a good script?

Make it super simple, shorter as possible.

  1. List up a 3 ~ 5 words, to describe features of your product/service, what makes standing out from others, the uniqueness like “Affordable”, “Easy to use”, “Easy to access” etc…
  2. Imagine when actually your client/user use to it.
  3. Focus on how to SHOW a lifestyle “WITH it” (it can be “WITHOUT it”), try NOT TO EXPLAIN it.

2. Actor

While writing the script, you also have to think about who plays the role. You can do it by yourself too. and/or you can ask your co-worker/employee etc… or simply you can hire an actor(doesn’t have to be a pro).

Max. 3 actors the most, 2 is better, 1 (can be yourself) is the best!!

When the script draft is done, you need to read the script aloud until you memorize it perfectly! Then ask your co-worker or friend to listen, that way you can speak better in front of camera later. It’s called “Script reading”.

3. Rehearsal

Rehearsal is usually take place in a meeting room, can be anywhere, it means it doesn’t need to be where you shoot.

Shoot all the rehearsal until you are happy with it.

Check the footages and make changes to the script/acting or both
Repeat over and over it to complete the script..


– Scripting: A pen and paper. You can use a computer software too (such as MS Word etc).
– Rehearsing: Camera, A smartphone.
A tripod or something to hold the smartphone still.

Of course!! If you need a professional consultation or production, 
 contact me anytime!!

I’ll give you more detailed advice for your successful production.