WordPress update

for migrating Ubuntu22, php8.1, I’ve updated my blog (wordpress) too.

  1. Simply download the latest WordPress (6.3.1) and place in a server designated area (ie. /var/www/wordpress) and chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/wordpress
  2. in the mysql database, create a database named ‘wordpress
  3. adjust php-fpm and nginx max_upload_file_size, if you want to upload .sql file using phpmyadmin. then create a database named ‘wordpress-yourdata
  4. import the SQL file, so all the previous data is migrated.
  5. go to ‘wordpress’ folder, edit ‘wp-config.php
  6. create nginx conf file for the blog (ie. blog.koodesignstudio.com.conf)
  7. restart nginx (dont’ forget “sudo nginx -t
  8. certbot to the blog.koodesignstudio.com
  9. access with a browser
  10. initial configuration for the new wordpress
  11. start from a brand new plain wordpress,
  12. update ‘wp-config.php‘ database to ‘wordpress-yourdata‘, now all the data is coming from the previous database
  13. copy images from the previous wordpress ./wordpress/wp-content/uploads
  14. install the theme and plug-ins as same as the previous
  15. done!

!IMPORTANT even to migrate from another server, frist create a default ‘wordpress’ dabase, then change ‘wp-config.php’

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