WordPress update

for migrating Ubuntu22, php8.1, I’ve updated my blog (wordpress) too.

  1. Simply download the latest WordPress (6.3.1) and place in a server designated area (ie. /var/www/wordpress) and chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/wordpress
  2. in the mysql database, create a database named ‘wordpress
  3. adjust php-fpm and nginx max_upload_file_size, if you want to upload .sql file using phpmyadmin. then create a database named ‘wordpress-yourdata
  4. import the SQL file, so all the previous data is migrated.
  5. go to ‘wordpress’ folder, edit ‘wp-config.php
  6. create nginx conf file for the blog (ie. blog.koodesignstudio.com.conf)
  7. restart nginx (dont’ forget “sudo nginx -t
  8. certbot to the blog.koodesignstudio.com
  9. access with a browser
  10. initial configuration for the new wordpress
  11. start from a brand new plain wordpress,
  12. update ‘wp-config.php‘ database to ‘wordpress-yourdata‘, now all the data is coming from the previous database
  13. copy images from the previous wordpress ./wordpress/wp-content/uploads
  14. install the theme and plug-ins as same as the previous
  15. done!

!IMPORTANT even to migrate from another server, frist create a default ‘wordpress’ dabase, then change ‘wp-config.php’


owncloud stop supporting php8. So I decided to move on to next. nextcloud!

I’ve been upgrading ubuntu18 to 22. It’s a pretty big jump, so many major upgrade required. And since owncloud I’ve been using no longer support PHP8, so decided to search alternative.

This is great how-to article: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-nextcloud-ubuntu-22-04-nginx-postgresql

basically follow the instruction above and good to go except I use mysql instead.

I’ve already installed phpMyAdmin so I use to create a database for nextcloud (as ‘nextcloud’) and be able to use with my account, not root. then change the entire nextcloud folder to sudo chown www-data:www-data

run certbot to make ssl enable.

then access to the nextcloud, using the GUI to set up my account.

then download the desktop app to my mac, install, configure to sync the cloud folder <> mac local.

the sync speed is pretty fast. I’m impressed but it’s been more than 7 years I’ve used the owncloud, it’s good to be updated.