git cli update

My previous post was to introduce git, this one is for CLI update/note:


$ git init ProjectName.git --bare (create remote empty git repo as origin master to push)

$ git push --set-upstream origin BranchName. (To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream)

$ git push -u origin myBranchName

$ git remote -v (List remote repo)

$ git remote add <name> <url> (add remote repo <name> = “origin”, url =


$ git checkout --filename.ext (remove the file filename.ext from git)

$ git status (show current status of git, I execute it before git add .)

$ git restore filename.ext (before commit, restore the file to previous status, even file is saved, the content is back to the before)


$ git clean -df projectName (clean up git)

$ git log --oneline --graph (show list of commit.)

$ git reset --hard HEAD (go to current HEAD.)

$ git reset --hard HEAD^ (go back to the 1 commit from current HEAD.)

$ git reset --hard HEAD~2 (go back to the 2 commits from current HEAD.)

$ git reset --hard index (go back to the commit where the index is)

UPDATED 09/16/2021

Just encounter an accident, so I’m updating the post.

Accidentally overwritten a file!! OMG. A awesome thing about git is you can retrieve a file or files later. Usually right after you save a file and notice a mistake and Ooops, I shouldn’t save the file, in stead save as different file name. Anyway if you saved and noticed, means you have not git commit the change. So simply:

$ git status (show status what has been modified)

$ git restore fileName (restore the file)

IMPORTANT: Once you notice, you need to change the file name before do git restore, so you can have both.

If you’ve already git add . + committed, you should use

git reset --hard HEAD^ (go back to the 1 commit from current HEAD.)

IMPORTANT: before git reset, always nice to have a current backup somewhere else in local or remote.

UPDATED 06/09/2022

find remote branch names

$ git remote -v show origin

pull the remote branch

$ git pull branch-name

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